Instantly format text on Discord with bold, italic, strikethrough, use inline code, and many more with ease. lets you use the Discord text formatting generator tool to style your message quickly and copy it with a few steps. Give it a try now for free and enhance your Discord chat experience effortlessly.

Discord Text Formatter

Formatting Options:
Formatted Text:
Discord Preview:
DiscordUser Today at 12:00 PM
Your formatted message will appear here

Pro Tips:

  • Select specific text before clicking a format button to format only that selection
  • Use code blocks for sharing code snippets with proper formatting
  • Combine formats (e.g., **__combined__**) for rich text formatting
  • The invisible text button creates spacers for organizing long messages

Discord Text Formatting

Discord uses simple text formatting language and syntax codes, “Markdown Syntax,” for message styling. However, all codes can be complex and frustrating to remember. Our Discord text formatter effortlessly converts messages and text into official Discord formatting with a single click. Simply input text, choose styles or colours, copy, and use!

How To Format Text on Discord Online?

1- Type or Paste Text:

Enter your chat or message in the text box. Alternatively, you can copy the text from somewhere and paste it into the input box.

2- Choose Formatting Style List:

Choose the formatting options, such as italics, bold, list items, spoilers, quotes, headings, etc.

  • Bold Text: Insert a double asterisk before and after your text message, such as (** Your text here.. **).
  • Italics: To italicise text in Discord chats, you can use the single asteisk (*) before and after the text “(*Your Text Here*)”.
  • Underline Text: To underline a message, use a double underscore symbol (_) before and after a text, such as “_Your Text Here_.”
  • Strikethrough Text: Use a double Tilde symbol (~~) before and after your text “~~Your Text Here~~”.
  • Colored Text: Discord doesn’t natively support colored messages. However, you can add special syntax (programming language syntax) to change the text color.
  • Code Blocks: Code blocks are used for better text formatting, which helps display text in a well-structured format.

3- Copy:

After selecting the formatting style, click the “Copy” button to copy the formatted text to the clipboard.

4- Paste & Use:

Paste the copied text into a Discord chat, se

Advantages of Our Online Discord Text Formatting Generator

Real-Time Text Formattertle

Our tool lets users live preview how their formatted text looks like. This feature lets you ensure correct formatting before hitting a send button.

Multi Styling

Supports Discord’s text formatting styles, such as italic, bold, color, strikethrough, heading, spoiler, highlight, code block, hyperlink, and more.

Sleek Design has an elegant user interface that automatically converts the text into Discord formatting without memorizing the Markdown syntax with a single click.

Free Advanced Formatting

Users can avail of its advanced formatting and styling features for free. They can get highlighting, coloring, inline, or multi-inline code with a single click only.

Discord’s Markdown & Syntax Guide

If you want to learn more about Discord’s formatting, commands, or syntax, check out our complete Discord Markdown and syntax formatting style Guide and list mentioned above. Start formatting now and enhance your messaging experience!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Discord text formatting tool?

It is an online AI-powered web-based tool or platform that lets users input text, select the formatting and styling, and generate the syntax. The generated syntax can be used on Discord to beautify and customize the message, server, or username. Ready to format your Discord text? Start now by using the above tool and start formatting now.

Can I combine multiple styles within the same text?

Of course, you can enter the text into an input box and apply the multiple formatting options to the same text.

Are Discord text formatting commands free?

DisTextFormatting lets users input their text and generate the desired formatting commands and code without a cost. It is completely free to use.

Do I have to sign up for the Discord text format generator?

Our tool is available online and can be used without a device installation and sign-up process. Therefore, you can access the tool, input the text, and instantly generate formatting commands within a second.

How do I format different texts in Discord?

Discord officially doesn’t let its users combine different formatting, as it has some limitations. You can use our Discord text format tool to format different text styles.

  1. Input the text in the text box.
  2. Choose different styling simultaneously, such as italic, bold, listing, heading, etc.
  3. Click the copy button or manually copy the output syntax.
  4. Paste the copied style into Discord’s chat, server, and username.

How do I create a spoiler text?

To create a spoiler text, simply use a double “vertical bars ||” before and after your text message, such as || Your Text Here ||.

Can I format text using Discord’s mobile app?

Of course, you can format the text on Discord’s mobile app, website, or PC version. The Markdown language works the same on mobile, web, and desktop PCs.

How do I add a multi-line code block?

You can use triple backtick (“`) sybmol before and after your text.